How Can I Become a Consultant at a Recruiting Agency or Talance?

You may have preconceived notions of what it means to be a Consultant. A good firm will be honest in walking through the process and the pros and cons specific to you.

This is how it is done:

Choose the Right Firm

Make sure that the recruiters you decide to meet understand your experience and skill level. If you are a Controller but are working with a firm that mostly places people in clerical level roles, then it may not be the right one for you. Take a look at the website for roles the perm team is working on. Their contract team is most likely helping to fill those same roles with interim help.

Be Open-Minded

You may never have thought that you would be open to working as a “contractor” (insert turned up nose here), but some of the very best are the same people that never thought they would EVER consider it. If you have been in multiple roles and at different companies, you have learned a ton in your failures and triumphs. Companies are willing to pay good money to have the needed insight!

Send Your Resume

If you have found the right recruiter, he or she will expect your resume as soon as possible. Consulting roles come and go sometimes within a day or less so waiting three days just to send your resume can cost you a great opportunity. A good recruiter will need time to go through it with a fine-tooth comb and make the necessary changes to pull out specific skills, projects and accomplishments. Don’t wait!

Every Agency Is Different – But Expect Aptitude Tests and Interviews

You can expect the process to vary based on where you are applying and your specific skillset level. However, most consultants can expect to complete a number of aptitude tests and interviews with the recruiting/staffing firm before they are placed into the talent pools. Recruiting firms are asked by their clients for specific skills within certain systems (Excel, ERP systems, etc.)  They will want to know “you are who you say you are” before they start actively marketing your skills to the clients who trust them.

Meeting People

You should expect to meet a lot of people. The more individuals at the recruiting firm who can put your skills/face to a name, the better the chances you have at securing a placement AND the right project for you. There are constantly new roles and opportunities coming in and the more people that can remember you the better!

Take the Coaching

Your interview skills may be a bit rusty so the recruiting firm SHOULD run you through multiple mock interviews to help you tune it all up. It is much better to be uncomfortable with your recruiter than with the hiring manager who is interviewing you!  Tips, constructive feedback, and practice should be expected.

Interviews With Clients

Early in the process, you can expect a lot of interviews with clients, especially as you are building your reputation with not only the recruiting agency but within different industries. Recruiting firms want to tell clients that you are one of the best, and you must not only deliver great work but perform well during interviews.

Stay In Touch

Depending on the type of role, it is best to check-in with your recruiter every couple of weeks (unless you are currently on an assignment). Odds are they are marketing your services aggressively but its always good to stay at the top of the inbox!

If you have read this to the end and have gone through the suggestions to no avail, please give us a call at 713-357-9565. We want to give unbiased answers to your questions, whether you decide to work with us or not.

Happy Hunting!