Hiring managers typically have an ideal candidate profile in mind. But when it comes to working with a recruiter who sources these candidates, how a hiring manager communicates can be the difference between an inefficient or efficient hiring process. Working with a recruiter for the first time might feel like an unnatural shift for a hiring manager, but the relationship will save you hours of sorting through resumes and screening candidates if done correctly. Here are some insights from the recruiters at Talance for best practices for a successful hiring manager-recruiter partnership:
Create Alignment
Before the search process begins, it’s important to sit down with the recruiter and go over the job description, ideal candidate, and interview process so there’s alignment on the position and overall process. No matter how common the role, each is unique in many different areas the recruiter needs to learn from you. Everyone can read your job description, but we all know that some parts of it are more important than others and there are often unwritten needs and backstories that provides clarity and a solid understanding for the recruiter. Ideally, you want your recruiter to understand the “why” behind the “what” you’re wanting, as well as which candidate skills are “must-haves” versus “nice-haves”. A good recruiter will be listening more than talking and should be able to repeat back to you what you’ve deemed most important. You want to train the recruiter to be YOU when reviewing a resume or vetting a candidate.
Give Plenty of Feedback
It’s challenging to find a candidate that fits all the requirements and skills on paper, but if you don’t provide feedback as to why a candidate doesn’t meet your expectations as a hiring manager, it makes the recruiter’s job nearly impossible. Instead of giving vague feedback, “I’ll know the perfect candidate when I see it”, take the time to explain your thoughts to the recruiter and go over specific reasons why the candidate doesn’t fit your requirements as well as what you did like about a resume or interview. This will help the recruiter narrow down the best candidates and save you time screening unnecessary resumes and candidates. It’s difficult to emphasize the importance of providing timely and helpful feedback. When a hiring manager neglects this piece, it sends a signal to the recruiter (and her/his team) that the role isn’t as important to you as it seemed, and they will turn their attention elsewhere.
Set Expectations on Timing
Throughout the process, set clear expectations as to when the position needs to be filled. Is your company searching for someone immediately to support operations? Or is it more important to wait for a certain candidate for the long-term? Is there a company or client event that you want a new hire to participate in for onboarding, such as a quarterly business review or sales training? The recruiter needs to know this information from the beginning in order to prioritize their efforts and meet your expectations within the time frame.
Communicate, Communicate, Communicate
The best thing you can do is bolster communication throughout the process. Your recruiter will run through walls for you if they feel this is top priority for you. The more information you can supply your recruiter the better. Even if you’re crazy busy, taking five-to-ten minutes to provide your recruiter the information needed can make the difference between landing the right candidate next week or two more months. If you communicate regularly with your recruiter, they can help you find the candidates you need much quicker.
Partner with the Team of Recruiters at Talance
As a hiring manager, partnering with a recruiter can be a rewarding experience that results in better placements in a shorter amount of time. If you’re a hiring manager with any further questions about working with recruiters or anything about the recruiting process, give us a call at 713-357-9565. We want to give unbiased answers to your questions, whether you choose to work with us or not. For more industry insights for both clients and candidates, visit asktalance.com and find answers to your questions.