Sr. Revenue Accountant

  • Location: United States
  • Job #: 11054
  • Job Type: FA Direct Hire

***FLEXIBLE WORK SCHEDULE, Traditional 8-hour workdays or 9-hour Monday-Thursday with half day Friday.  Monday-Thursday in the office and Friday work from home. 
***Public company and everyone I have talked to loves it there!  
***Great leadership has top notch benefits with an additional 10% contribution to the 401K for retirement plus the standard 6% match.

Looking for a top notch candidate with operated revenue experience.  Someone that has experience around spot sales and inventory for gas.  

The primary duties include, but are not limited to, the following:

· Preparing invoices for gas markets

· Recording company marketed gas sales

· Reviewing pipeline statements and invoices

· Completing inventory schedules and journal entries

· Analyzing corp sales, corp deducts, royalties payable, and taxes payable

· Working closely with the Marketing Department to resolve any volume or price discrepancies

Primary qualifications include:

· Technical knowledge of Oil and Gas accounting

· Analytical, problem solving skills

· Organized, Detail oriented, and Accurate

· Degree in Accounting or related field




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Susan Martinez

This job was listed by:

Susan Martinez

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